shabby blogs good luck charm


Stomach Bug

What a great way to start off journaling our family's day. There is no way to avoid this. I could tell you of the great weather. I tried to climb a tree. The girls took a LONG nap. Billy and I actually spent time with just two kids today. We hollered with American pride as the US Hockey Team tied the score against Canada, then booed under our breathe when they lost. Somehow there just is no escaping this...the stench that I have all over me as I type. Our third little victim is now resting after being stricken with a stomach bug. Ahhh...this journal entry topic: throw up. Eric "took" us to Pizza Hut recieve his first BOOK IT personal pan pizza. He said he felt like Santa Claus with his round belly afterwards. He loved the challenge of reading books to get pizza. On the way home...IT happened. IT happened to Cailin last night...middle of the night, twice. And IT happened now to our youngest, Ella. I told Alayna to make sure she has a strong belly tonight so IT doesn't happen to her. Thankfully, they are all asleep now. Ella fell asleep instantly afterward- in my arms. She turns one this week. I wondered how many more times will my baby fall asleep in my arms. Yeah, I had tears. So before bed, we read books- hoping to restore Eric's desire for another BOOK IT coupon. Hoping tomorrow will be another awe inspiring, inspirational journal entry. Maybe there will be no poop accidents :)


Here We Go

Graduated college, got married, moved, taught 3rd grade, had a baby, moved, taught 2nd grade, moved, taught basic skills, had a baby, moved, taught 4th grade, had a baby, moved, moved, had a baby. Seriously. I'm home now. With my husband, four kids, a puppy, and finally our own home. Time to breathe.

This blog will be an outlet and an outreach. An outpouring of emotion and an inward reflection. My heart wants you to smile and laugh. Stand back and take a look at your life too. Life is short. We are but a mist. Make it count.