shabby blogs good luck charm


Salt Springs/ Suns Game

Summertime is here...let's go to the Springs! Summertime is here....let's go to a Suns game!   I say this every year. Since Billy has worked six days a week and ten hour days, it's never happened.
This summer greeted us with several changes. One was Billy's schedule now that he is working for RaceSmith. After a very long week working Billy mustered up the energy to continue our (my) summer bucket list and we conquered both the Springs and the Suns game.

Things we learned at Salt Springs:
1. The water is perfectly clear, has lots of fish of various sizes, and is ALWAYS 72 degrees. And 72 degrees is cold.
2. While traveling with our minivan full of kids, know ahead of time you need to pay per head. And know ahead of time you need to bring flotation devices so the gang isn't using you as a flotation device.
3. Walking on algae covered rocks are slippery.
4. The boil is the giant hole where water comes out of the ground. Kids will want to swim over it. And if you are brave enough to hide behind a kid, you can put on kiddie goggles, cling to the rock, and stick your face underwater to see this amazing sight.
5. Try to hike miles through the woods in 95 degree weather BEFORE going in the 72 degree spring.

Things we learned at the Jacksonville Suns Game:
1. 50cent Family Feast Night means hot dogs for everyone. It's time to try out how fun it is to crack open peanuts. And by the time we are ready for dessert, the Moo Bars will melt, and possibly, no probably land on the ground and Liam will try to grab them.
2. We should bring a pads of paper and pens for the girls. What was I thinking leaving home without that stuff? They were entertained by Daddy's quizzes about the players and the game. They had fun reading stats. No, seriously.
3. No matter how many babies you see falling asleep as the innings go on, Liam will not be one of them. Mommies walk around the stands with strollers and peaceful babies. Liam sat up in constant wonder high-fiving all the guys watching the game.
4. Realize that Billy will leave early if the game stinks, but if the game keeps him on the edge of his seat, like this one, we will stay for. the. entire. game.
5. Don't worry about Eric being fidgety. He will stay seated for all 9 innings in hopes of getting a foul ball. Thank you No.9 from the Chattanooga Look Outs for giving that ball to Eric after the game.

How could I forget to mention the crazy man at Salt Springs "playing" with the alligator who was swimming near us? Only in Florida.