shabby blogs good luck charm


Blog? What Blog?

When should I blog? What should I write about? Kids, chaos, coupons? It seems sometimes that the thought of writing it all down is intimidating, especially when I haven't written in a while. Should I backtrack and write of the busyness that has kept me from blogging? Should I write about one child and one memory? Should I write something inspirational or something silly? To find one's voice as a writer is difficult. I keep journals, mostly devoted to scripture and prayers, but looking back in them I see funny side notes and cute sayings from my kids. I could write about mom tips and day-to-day life with four kids. I could write about missing-the-mark as a mom sometimes. I do believe a good blog should have a distinctive voice with good character. Focus on specific topic would be great too. But life isn't that neat and organized. It's not neat at all. So here's to random entries... Yes, about kids, chaos and coupons. Yes, about busyness. I can backtrack if I want to. I can quote my Savior if I want to. I can express my emotions. And I can tell the ins and outs of my day. To blog can be exercise. Letting something, anything, go, is therapeutic.

On that note, I'll share this. It's quiet here. My three "oldest" children have spent one day at my parents' house. I miss them. Though earlier in the week I was PMSing really bad and they really annoyed me. I have since gotten my period and ache all over, but my emotions are settling and I really miss them. NO OFFENSE to anyone, but I honestly don't know what people do all day. The clock is ticking so slowly here without the kids. Yes, there is no wrestling matches, name calling or whining. But what am I supposed to do? Moments like this help me to realize that it's important to have hobbies and interests as a Momma. I did attempt to organize some recipes (I like to cook and organize.) I did attempt to rest. (I watched recorded episodes of the Next Food Network Star). I cleaned the house. I started to clean Ella's closet to prepare it for 18 month old clothes. I opted not to go into Eric's very messy room. I went to the Dollar General to use bunches of coupons. I even took Ella to the potty. TWICE. (That's a story for another day...went potty everyday for 6 days now....ahhh!)

Thankful for the quiet. Bracing myself for their return. Learning to remember that I need to let myself grow. We focus so much sometimes on helping our kids develop interests that we forget about our own.

Here's to more blogging. Recording life as it is. Messy and random.

I really wish I bought myself some chocolate at the store today. I am now going to dig through cabinets and drawers. I am very hungry.