shabby blogs good luck charm



In the last two weeks I have substituted in three different classrooms: two special needs and a second grade class.  It reminds me how much work and love goes into teaching.  Both in school and at home.  If I "slack off" for 30 minutes at home, I am very behind on the upkeep. Being gone for hours at a time, really puts us behind!  It takes a lot of love to spend hours and hours a day, sharing knowledge and caring for little ones.  I have a completely different perspective teaching now, compared to teaching years ago.  Actually having a school-aged  child  has helped make gain more insight to a student's daily life and needs.  Helping in special needs classes has given me much to be thankful for and much to pray for.  Prayers for the students, teachers, parents...prayers for progress, for hopefulness, and understanding...prayers for enjoyment and rest...prayers for tomorrow. 


School Year 2010

Eric, painting at 18 months.  I have always tried to get "down and dirty" when playing with my kids.  We make messes often.  Whatever medium dough, glitter, markers, dress up clothes piled high, and yes, dirt.  It's fun to use a stick to write your name in the dirt.  It's fun to carry it around and pretend its birthday cake, too.  I used to work full time as a teacher. 

When I was working,  Papa John watched Eric two days a week.  This is a picture of Eric getting "down and dirty."  Yes, you see eggs, sugar, flour, and a baking pan.  He tried to make chocolate chip cookies!!  Where was Papa John? He had the CAMERA!!
Here is Ella and Cailin painting.  I can't believe its only been five short years.  I am an "at home mommy" now.  Still, we make messes.  Cailin is doing a great job learning her ABCs.  Books, crafts, songs, and treasure hunts!  Baking, too....but Mommy is in charge of that!  I feel so very blessed.

Time is flying by.  This is a picture of the 2009 school year kicking off for Eric, as a kindergartner. 
And now the 2010 school year is fully under way!  I am in desperate need of getting messy at the beach! The weather is amazing!!  Now, if I could only make the time!!



Just scrolled down my blog.  No pics since July.  What's with that?  Will do.  Ella is still up though.......

Saturday Night

Saturday night is full of screams and laughter.  Then, silence.  Billy teaches at youth group during this time, which changed its meeting date from Sunday to Saturday.  This is a nice change that means we see Daddy all day on Sunday :) This change also means that the girls and I have a night to ourselves...because, of course, Eric must join the middle school and high school kids, after all he is a big kid.  I have had fun plans for these nights.  Nails, hair, pjs, baking desserts, watching movies, playing games... I still do have those plans.  But the last three Saturday nights have come and gone and I have not followed through with any of those plans.  (The ideas were only in my head though....if the girls ever knew my thoughts...I would HAVE TO follow through.)  Instead tonight after a dinner of leftovers, the girls got in the tub.  Alayna wanted to wash Ella and Cailin.  And Cailin wanted to wash Alayna.  That's when the laughter started.  Shrieks and giggles.  So very very loud. All three tried swimming in the tub, which was followed by Row, Row, Row Your Boat with water going everywhere!  Then they tried wrestling each other in the tub...this quickly ended tub time.  Still giddy, the girls ran about the house, still wet and naked.  Funny thing was, the laughter wasn't one-sided.  (You know, one laughing and the other crying.)  My plans did go down hill.  No baking. No game. It turned out to be a night where we let the playroom stay messy, watch a 20 minute video, read a book and go to bed.  Nothing pajama- party- like at all.  But the giggles and laughter were enough.  I'd love to capture it all somehow.  Cailin and Alayna went to bed with a fuss at all for Daddy.  Ella, too! (Though she is up now.  The night didn't stay silent.  She was up before I finished this blog.  Finally, all.....yes all....of her teeth are now coming through.)  Next Saturday....baking muffins in our pjs.  Tea party with stuffed animals.  I promise.  Just don't tell the girls. 



It's September!! Though the summer air still lingers, fall activities are beginning.  Gators football is on. The girls and I are doing crafts. Saturday afternoon is upon us and it's time to type this blog then sit and relax with my kids.  I am very thankful for the way school has started.  Getting out of the house has become routine and the kids even have time to straighten up and veg for a bit before we leave.  Eric loves first grade.  He says it's amazing. Alayna was brave going to PreK, and then when the second week arrived....decided to fuss all she could.  Yes, Lanie, you have to go everyday :(  We have seen the stomach virus and a head cold tear through our house.  So next week can only get better! Cailin and Ella have been great at home...letting Mommy get work done.  They play together quietly.  Ahhh! Yes, quietly!  After school is always a challenge and still is.  Pure insanity breaks out when Eric gets home.  He is good about doing his homework and having a snack.  After that, it becomes loud.  Very loud.  I have attempted to make "centers" for the kids to play in, so they can have time to do things themselves.....a craft, the computer, books, drums... But our time is best spent running wild outside with games and races and bikes.  Our busy evenings are just beginning.  Soccer hasn't started yet.  Hoping it starts to feel like fall before it starts.