shabby blogs good luck charm



In the last two weeks I have substituted in three different classrooms: two special needs and a second grade class.  It reminds me how much work and love goes into teaching.  Both in school and at home.  If I "slack off" for 30 minutes at home, I am very behind on the upkeep. Being gone for hours at a time, really puts us behind!  It takes a lot of love to spend hours and hours a day, sharing knowledge and caring for little ones.  I have a completely different perspective teaching now, compared to teaching years ago.  Actually having a school-aged  child  has helped make gain more insight to a student's daily life and needs.  Helping in special needs classes has given me much to be thankful for and much to pray for.  Prayers for the students, teachers, parents...prayers for progress, for hopefulness, and understanding...prayers for enjoyment and rest...prayers for tomorrow.