New beginnings. I like it.
Read minimum of five minutes in the Word of God. Obviously, longer if possible. Exercise minimum of five minutes of day. Actually, run down my very long street. Sounds short, I know. I need to make better habits. Good habits are too hard to make if they are lofty ideas of what we can accomplish. I also want to drink a whole water bottle before I have my morning coffee and several more throughout the day. I want to unleash my creative side more too. Billy bought me a sewing machine for Christmas. I have absolutely no idea what I am doing with it. But I am determined to make pretty things with it.
I also have ideas for Miss Ella Mae in 2011. No crib. No diapers. No paci. Mission one: accomplished. Mission two: in the works. No diapers...with exceptions: church, nap and bedtime. No diapers at home, at grandparents' houses, nor the car! We are a couple of days in on this adventure...I have hope that before she's two (in two months), she will be potty trained. Please don't bring it up that I mentioned this...when it's summertime and I am a frustrated mama with a little girl who wets her pants all day long, when at 22 months she only had one accident a day. I need hope. New beginnings. A girl can dream, right? As for Mission three: I plan on sending that pacifier away with some fairy or something after she turns two. She is my only baby who has ever liked those pacifer-binkie-nipple things. (It took me a while to settle on a name for it...we went with paci.) She only uses it at nap and bedtime...and it has made her one of the best sleepers we have had...I am not messing with taking it away till she's past birthday number two.
Lots of changes, for the better in the new year. We'll see how it goes. Ask me about my five and five plan (for reading and exercising). Those "ten" minutes will be the most challenging. And as for Ella...I'll be needing the prayers, not her. She'll be fine with the changes. She doesn't have the choice. I am the one who has to stick with the plans...I guess we'll just have to see how it goes.