Father, in your compassion and abounding love, reside over me and my baby. With your mighty power have your hand upon the baby. Only You, can breathe life upon the baby. Only You, can supply me with needed patience, peace, and faithfulness. Only You, can create. Only You, can knit this baby and grow this baby. As I write, I become more and more assured in who You are. Only You, can form us and bring us to life. You are an amazing Father full is full of grace, kindness, and mercy- for this I am so thankful. Continue to have Your way with me. You want me on my knees. You want me praying, serving, and worshipping. You want me completely dependent on You alone. You have me. Use these moments for Your glory. Help me to choose good. Choose to be joyful. Choose to be hopeful. Choose to focus on the mighty works of Your hands. Choose to be fully invested in You- for in You I find all I need. Praise to your Holy Name.
Here’s the back story. When I found out I was pregnant, I had these strange and terrible thoughts. How can God really bless me with five children? Who am I that He would entrust another to me? Am I due for trials? I never had a miscarriage…is it my turn? Working through lots of shock…yes I was the most surprised…meant I had to conquer this voice.
Finally, just when I (emphasis on I) had it under control, I went to my first appointment with my midwife. The result- no heartbeat. She explained it could be too early (true), and that the due date could be off and I may not be 10 weeks (true). But NO HEARTBEAT?? This mama put on a smile. Yet my heart was breaking and my brain was full of voices. The kind of voices that I thought I conquered. The doubts were spiraling out of control. Next appointment: in 2 weeks.
That night I put the pieces together. God could have let me hear a heartbeat. He has complete control. I knew in my heart that He wanted my trust. He wanted my praise. Worship was on my mind. I decided to honor God with two weeks of full on worship. Prayer, study, praise. All in.
Holding steady, I had a moment that made me burst. Tears and all. I was in need of a hug. For real. I want so badly to hold my baby. But the thought of that not happening was such a huge possibility. The pain hit hard. Since then, it’s been a series of ups and downs. I am learning to let God conquer that voice now.
My appointment is coming up in a few days. I couldn’t be more thankful that God has given me this time. He has and continues to teach me, so much more than I could write now. I truly know that God has me and my baby in His hands. He is my strength. He holds me together. He forgives and loves like no other. He alone I can trust.