shabby blogs good luck charm



How I have longed to write this post.  Here we go.  I’M PREGNANT!  Here’s the story.  Late December I was grumpy and achy.  Waited for my period.  January arrived.  She was a no show.  Weird.  I must be starting some irregular thing I supposed.  BUT just in case, I’m gonna stop at the Dollar Store for a test.  Then Ella and I drove across the street to Hobby Lobby.  And I peed on this tiny little test.  As it turns out I didn’t follow the directions.  They are serious when they say to pee in a cup and use the dropper.  So we got back in the car.  Got another test.  I stood in a different line this time and wondered if the other cashier would recognize me.  Then Ella and I went food shopping at Publix and we headed to Sarah’s house so I could perform this test properly.  

We waited like thirty seconds.  Sarah said, “Well?”  There were two bright pink lines.  I dropped to my knees and Sarah’s mouth dropped to the floor.  She was speechless for the first time and I just kept repeating, “Five! Five! Five! Five!" 

Sarah sent me home with prenatal vitamins.  I planned on telling Billy before dinner.  His car pulled up and I stuck the pregnancy test in my pocket.  I was cooking dinner and putting away all the groceries.  He laid his lunch bag on the counter and said, “What’s this?”  Crap. I forgot to hide the prenatal vitamins!  So I handed him the news that I hid in my pocket.  “I was hoping you were,” was his reaction.

I have waited to blog out of fear of something going wrong.  It’s taken me a long time to wrestle with so many thoughts.  God continues to work them out for me.