shabby blogs good luck charm



We had a fried fiesta tonight for dinner.  Fried chicken nuggets and fried mozzarella sticks.  Deep fried.  I'm out of food.  I was desperate. I really need to go food shopping.  And now I feel greasy.

To recap the last couples of weeks...
                      I heard the baby's heart beat.

Oh, besides that.  Ella turned three.  The boys and I went to the Phillies spring training in Clearwater.   I went on multiple field trips to farms.  I registered Cailin in kindergarten.  Eric started baseball.  Billy started softball.  Looking back at the March calendar, each and every was FILLED.  That brings us to today.  I subbed at the kids' school on Field Day.  And it ended with the fried fiesta.

I had to do the recap.  To get is out of my system.  I hope to put up some photos of this past month.  But on now to this new Hasselman...

I tracked down my midwife. I asked her to check the baby.  He/she was hiding.  Then we heard the heartbeat.  Recently I have felt flutters.  Yes.  It actually has taken me this long.  But I get it now.  I'm pregnant.  The most exciting part is sharing these days and the ones to come with Billy and the kids.  Billy and I know our roles unlike years ago.  The kids are anticipating and are excited about a new little one.  I know there are will days they will undoubtedly be frustrated.  As for now I see how well loved Ella is in our family.  Each of the three older siblings take care of her and know how the youngest should be treated with patience and love.  (Of course this isn't 100% of the time).  I look forward to the four of them including another.

To have five children is straight out the hands of God.  I am honored.  My hope is that "my mist" that is my life, not this blog, will leave a legacy for them.  Billy and I teach our children and in turn they teach us so much about life and love.

More later, my brain is fried.