shabby blogs good luck charm


Tooth Fairy and Talent Show

Eric just lost another tooth and since the girls are already asleep I felt it was the right time to tell him that the Tooth Fairy doesn't exist. I told him that I would still give him money for his teeth but he couldn't tell the girls about the Tooth Fairy being a fake. He looked at me and said, "I know there isn't a tooth fairy." I told him, "You could have told me that a long time ago." There have been many times I have had to get out of bed at like midnight because "the tooth fairy" forgot to give him his money. Then when I told him all I do is throw his teeth away he got upset because he wanted to keep them and sell them on ebay when he is a famous athlete or musician.  ~From Billy's Facebook~

Eric at his first talent show.  He walks around with his guitar strapped to himself the entire day.  With more direction...this will be the first of many more to come.