shabby blogs good luck charm


A Little Help from my Friends

This blog entry has been written several times.  Though it has been in my head and not actually typed out. Here's to a lot of typing.  I had intended to be more consistent this summer about recording the memories, but we all know how that goes.  I decided to not be so hard on myself and let it go...until I couldn't take it anymore.  Time to type.

Our summer began with a great release of busy activities and a tight schedule.  Whew!  As I take a deep breathe...this is what the beginning of our summer felt like.  Towards the end of school I had several substitute positions.  Some in which I taught 40 kids in one room how to do the Limbo, and some in which I would help put 12 three-year-olds down for a two hour nap in a cold dark room.  During those nap times, my brain stormed with ideas for my own kids this summer.  Independence was the theme. The end of the summer would bring about a new addition to our family, so my goal has been to make the four kids I have able to handle life on their own, so to speak.

Chores and allowance helped make this happen.  KP Duty is the most favorite.  The Kitchen Patrol person has the honor of choosing what we will eat for dinner during the week.  They are also in charge of helping Mommy cook those dinners and even a dessert.  So they have learned how Mommy cooks, but better than that, basic cutting and spreading and opening and putting things away.  And then there's my favorite lesson stated with some huffs and puffs..."Mommy, this is a lot of work."

The kid on Bubble Duty cleans the bathroom once a week and maintains keeping it clean all week,  The other big responsibility they have is to put the Laundry in the washing machine, water to the right level, soap and all.  I transfer it to the dryer and fold it all up.  They are too small to reach the bottom of the washer and I couldn't take watching them fold that's my job.  Then they deliver the Laundry to the appropriate spot.  Each kid puts away their own clothes, except for Ella, not because she's three, but because her clothes belong high up on shelves in her closet.  Bubble Duty has gone surprisingly well.

The last job a kid has is called Groundskeeper.  They make sure all shoes are put away from the front door.  They help with keeping the outside straightened up, which has been easy because it's been so hot. They are also in charge of watering plants, when Mommy remembers to tell them.  And soon they will help dig up the garden in the dead heat of July.  They do all the odds and ends, including making sure all the lights are off in the house when we leave.

The three big kids have the three big jobs and Ella is pretty much everyone's helper.  They get paid three dollars a week, and Ella gets a dollar for helper duty.  We have been teaching them give, save, and spend.  So far they have given and saved.  They realize how many things they DON'T want to spend money on.

Independence has been our theme.  The kids make their own breakfasts and do their own dishes after breakfast and lunch.  Initially, I have had lots of ideas as far as play time goes too.  I didn't want bored kids, so I had lists of things to do in case they had their head cocked to the side and started moping around the house.  Thankfully, independence settled and play time has become inspired and created by themselves with little to no assistance.  With maybe the exception of Eric...he has always needed a push. Plus he does have three little sisters, so when he is done playing with them his time is spent learning the beginning chords to any and every song he knows from You Tube.

With ten weeks in a summer break, we reached six of them with success.  Not too shabby.  This week is a bit different.  I have a busted face (which will have its own separate blog entry), which means a world of different things happening.  No food shopping, no cleaning, no regular routine...ahh!  But it has meant I have been graced with helpers that help me with the kids.  These helpers have been a blessing in more ways then they will know. They have taken what is most precious to me and handled them with care (...and a stern voice.)  Next week, or so I hope, we go back to my kids being the helpers.