shabby blogs good luck charm


Busted Face 2012

Liam is still not here...must get my mind off his upcoming arrival.  So to the blog I go...

Busted Face 2012

My mother-in-law offered to watch the kids one summer morning and for the first time I got to relax a bit.  I went to pick them up after lunch and a fabulous Florida storm quickly came upon us.  It got real dark and real windy real quick.  So in an effort to avoid any danger, yeah okay, I pulled the van up to the front porch.  The kids were all standing on the porch and I was telling them to hurry up and not bother with putting shoes on.  I stood on the porch stairs.  And yes, a tree limb broke and fell on me.

Blood.  Lots of blood. All over my white maternity top.  Sorry to whoever loaned that to me.  The branch knocked me over but not out.  Praise God that it did not hit any of the kids.  Alayna did get scratched up a bit and now has a fear of windy storms.  So I stood up and walked into to house as Debbie calmed the screaming kids.  Walking to the bathroom I wasn't sure if my head was bleeding or my nose.  One look in the mirror and I knew my nose was broken. Ugh. It was purple and terribly bent.  Plus an open wound next to my eye was pouring out blood as well.

Melissa drove me to the Fire Department where several helpful men drilled me with tons of questions to make sure my brain was functioning okay.  I nailed them.  I was gonna be alright.  They wanted to take me to the hospital, but I was so glad Melissa could take me.

34 weeks pregnant. Covered in blood.  Neck brace.  Purple nose.  Open gash on my face.  Hours and hours of waiting for results.  CAT scans. Shots. Meds. Stitches.  Two black eyes.  Lots of swelling.  The sight of my face made Cailin cry.  None of this compared to what happened a week later...

I entered this facial rejuvenation spa with woman getting their Botox on.  Not knowing my fate I entered the room.  The decision was made.  Fix me now.  There was no way I was going to walk around with a busted face and bent nose waiting for a surgery that I might not get for a long time to come.

Needles pressed all over my face.  Then it was a butter knife type object.  Shoved it up my nose and moved it back.  Words cannot describe the pain I went through.  I really don't even want to type out the details fearing my memory would cause me pain just thinking about it.

I had a splint up my nose and a cast on for a week.  I survived.  Nasty couple of weeks.  Now I am left with a terrible deviated septum and a scar on my face.

Very thankful it wasn't as bad as it could have been.  The Lord provided through the whole ordeal.  He provided protection for my children.  He provided help through loved ones.  He provided healing.  He provided all I needed.

**Confession:  Just posted this blog.  Found out I have 4 drafts started somewhere.  Apparently blog 100 was really 96.  Oh well.**