2. Laid back schedule: Liam gets to nap when he wants, pretty much. Kids still sleep in with an occasional 7am appearance.
3. Half hour of screen time has been upgraded. Now the kids get some extra time for Mario Super Sluggers and Just Dance. As long as they are sweaty, it's okay :)
4. The kids play in the pool. When told. Not so much like in the beginning of the summer when they would play for hours and hours and be forced to get out.
5. We are trying to cram in the last of the summer bucket list adventures: The Springs, a Jax Suns Game, Aunt Amy's house, Orlando Science Center, more beach, more cookouts...oh the time crunch!!
6. You know that Sunday night feeling in your gut: Monday is coming. I must get ready, but-I-don't-wanna. That's the end of July. August is coming. School is almost here.
7. School supply sales. My thoughts: The children use a fraction of what we buy. Some are given to others students who run out and then the teachers give some back at the end of the year. Like partially filled notebooks...guess who's ripping out those pages and sending them in a second year...this mom.
8. School shoes. Oh what fun it is to go shoe shopping...yeah right. Too expensive, too fancy, too gawdy. I usually scope out resale shops first...but try to find the right size and style is like playing Where's Waldo again. Thankfully we are the warm season so no new clothes are needed until November.
9. It's starting to occur me to that for the first time EVER, I will be home with a baby by myself. Still trying to absorb that. The kid doesn't even talk yet. LOL. Seems to me that it's a good time to start researching middle school curriculum. That's right. We are going to that strange homeschool family in couple of years.
10. <Home Video>. (Okay, here's where you imagine the video the kids and I made on my Kindle. ~We sing "Summertime Blues" with sounds effects and everything.~ I have no idea how to upload it to my blog. I'm ashamed to say I tried for almost an hour to no avail.)