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Alayna Turns Four

My sweet baby Alayna turned four this week on April 20. She was born a Jersey girl weighing in at 7 pounds 8 ounces at Shore Memorial Hospital. She is a bundle of sass and sweetness. Her current loves are puppies, kittens, anything purple and chocolate. She climbed up to reach for brownie batter in this photo.

Hard to believe this bald head now is full of blonde curls. With Alayna growing into a "kid" it means school is around the corner. She cuts, pastes, writes, and reading is around the bend. She never ceases to amaze me.

Known as "Boo-Boo Girl" Alayna usually finds herself with bumps and bruises. She trips. She falls. She bangs into corners. She is not smooth on her feet.

Her smile is beauty. It shines from her eyes. You hear it in her giggle. Growing into being a "kid" she now loves nail polish and makeup. Hold on to her Daddy. It's going to be quick. I hope she will always be a Daddy's girl.

We see this face often. She's great at the pouty eyes and puffed up lip. She just recently nailed the whiny voice to go with it. It's the "kid" voice now. The one that knows what it wants and repeats until an explosion.

Alayna is "fiesty, a leader, and she knows what she wants and how she wants it done." The quote comes from those who have gotten to know her well. Sweet and caring. Thoughtful and concerned. Independent. Bold.

Our baby girl is growing up. Riding a bike and dressing up like a cheerleader. (Yes she had a perfect naturally loud voice.)

Alayna, may you always shine from your heart. Turn to the Lord and He will direct your paths. We will hold your hand. Love the unloved and speak for those with no voice. He can use you. May the Lord show you the good works He has planned for you.

I Love You, Lanie.