I can't believe that it is the last day of April and this is only my sixth blog post. And May will be even busier. And March was pretty hectic. Come to think of it, we are always busy. Each and every day is jam packed with activity. Billy has been working a lot of overtime (a blessing in disguise) and that means Momma has been working OT, too. We say goodbye just after 7 am and settle down to chat just before 10 pm. With such a busy month, I have started to learn a few things.
ONE- It will always be this way.
TWO- I have to schedule time for ME for twenty minutes. Sit and relax and read God's word. Start or finish a project. Yard work. Walk. Read a magazine. Search the net for fun kid activities. Everything I still have to do, will get done.
THREE- Scheduling time better has helped us to focus on what matters. We take time to pray. We attempt to eat better and exercise. We try to be better stewards of our finances.
FOUR- Family time is the best time.
FIVE- Since we can't always have family time, we can always be praying for our family.
Busy times call for a reality check. What's important and what's not. Who's important and who's not. The LORD is my rock, my fortress, and my savior; my God is my rock, in whom I find protection. He is my shield, the power that saves me, and my place of safety. Psalm 18:2