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Eric Turned Six
Eric: my son. He turned six. For six years now, he has been making each and everyday interesting and exciting. He has a passion for many things. Sports, music, superheroes, and drawing. His imagination began very early. When he was two, he would take Billy and I (one at a time) into his tent and his world came alive...with very detailed descriptions of Christmas morning and other exciting events. He is very particular. About everything. Food especially. You can tell by his skinny stature. We are thankful he has grown as much as he has. Now he is choosing to grow his curly hair out all summer. He likes to feel like a rockstar, despite his shyness. He'll pound away on the drums and sing songs for the world to hear. But then in a group, he's either shy and subdued or the energetic boy ready to roll. This past year in kindergarten Eric has made great progress academically. But I think his progress at AWANA is near to my heart. He has always had accurate memory and now he is applying it to God's Word. More importantly, taking the lessons to heart. With a fantastic list of talents, I pray that Eric will use what God has given him to glorify Him.