Chores are still going well...WELL...
He has had quite a time with the dishes at night. Struggling and saying, "Why do I have to do this?" I told him how yucky it would be to eat his waffle off of those plates in the morning.
When the kids ask to watch TV, I ask them to get me a clip (a reward from completed chores). This morning Cailin put two clips on her chore chart before doing any housework, and asked to watch TV. She knew she needed a she prepared herself. She said, "But Mommy, pleeeease. I have a cl---ipppp." Cailin knew that she didn't earn those clips. Thankfully, she didn't put up a fuss when I told her no and that her chores had to be done first.
I think she enjoys being a helper. She is not too fond of limited TV. She is finding more and more things to do in the mornings now though. She even thinks she can read. The book "Hot Dog," she has memorized.
Overall, I am loving the extra help and less TV. I think only once this week, Mommy and Daddy decided it was easier to let them skip chores:)