shabby blogs good luck charm


Alayna said...what??

The ramblings of a four-year-old...

While still teaching I created a simple alphabet on brightly colored card stock.  I attached magnets to the back of each letter for home use.  Getting ready for dinner the other night I dug them out and told Alayna to put the lower case letters in order on the refrigerator.  She noticed the the set was missing the letter r and she was quite upset.  Days have passed and this morning eating breakfast, staring at me with a straight face she tells me, "Mommy, did you know there are only 25 letters in the alphabet?" We bantered back and forth about  the correct number and finally she says, "Well, in YOUR alphabet there are!" 

Last Saturday night, the girls were playing amongst their piles of dollies and puppies.  Holding a little dog in her hands, Alayna tells me this..."Mommy, I keep telling him to stay away from the Lady dogs.  This Boy dog likes the romance. He likes to lick and kiss the Lady dogs.  I keep telling him that the Lady dogs don't like that."

During a night out with my ladies, we decided to finish our shopping adventure with dinner at Crispers.  The girls were warned that they will be sharing chocolate milk because I wasn't going to buy them each their own drink.  Alayna said, "So, we'll have to put two straws in one drink.  That means we are on a date.  Eww!  Cailin, if we are on a date together I am NOT going to kiss you.  Kiss my sister...Eww!  Well, maybe if you were a boy..."  As we ate dinner I told her even if she was on a date...that does NOT mean the she has to kiss the boy.

She has a heart of gold.  I am always amazed by her.  After leaving her with other kids and adults, I sometimes am a bit nervous about what they'll say she said while I was gone.  She says exactly what's on her mind.  Oh the mind of a four-year-old.
So many more interesting conversation to go...