shabby blogs good luck charm


FT for a Week

Recently I have had the opportunity to help in Eric's classroom for a couple of days. From the first bell until the last, I was able to keep my eye on my little man. I did not give him any extra attention or extra help. He had to hold his own even with Mommy there all day. Occasionally, I would share some Mommy words with him. Go blow your nose. Wash your hands. Did you go potty? Did you wash your hands? Go get a tissue. Get a squirt. Other than that, we left each other alone. I saw my son work hard. I saw him treat others nicely. I saw him have fun playing with others without any problems. I saw the effort he puts in his work. I saw his mind engaged. I also saw how he looked at me when I was walking around helping students. He seemed both happy and thankful I was able to be there. His eyes told me he loved me.

It was quite a strain on the home front in order to be there for as long as I was. The sickness that hit Eric's class last week, hit me over the weekend, and then it got my girls in the beginning of the week. Before school I dealt with throw up and fevers and after school I continued to deal with the craziness. You know Mommy has worked full time when the breakfast dishes are washed at 8 o'clock at night. And when laundry piles up high. And toys stay on the floor. And no one really knows where the dog is. When the girls are cranky because they haven't seen Mommy all day and they wonder who is going to watch them. I had a crash course on the full time working Mommy. It brought back lots and lots of memories. My appreciation was renewed for what Billy does for us.

I do feel blessed to be able to be in the classroom. Helping students is where my heart is. I do feel blessed to be able to be at home with my kids. They make me love and laugh like no one else can. The shared love and laughter allows us to share it with others. Nothing is more beautiful.