shabby blogs good luck charm


Family Photo Time

(Disclaimer:  Gammy, Mimi, and Mommom...Shutterfly is preparing your copy of this photo...)

I read once that if you don't blog everyday, you shouldn't have one. My guess is that blogger, yes it was a he, doesn't have a bunch of kids to care for and he must get paid.   Moving on...

Three and a half months passed by without one group photo of my kids.  The only picture I owned of my youngest was sent to me via snail mail by Mommom for my birthday.  This determined mama asked her good friend with mighty fine camera skills and a brave spirit to tackle this goal.

After school I dressed them up in somewhat coordinating outfits in a deserted parking lot.  And the task at hand was fairly simple: snap a good shot.  We did the whole family by the fence and just the kids. Then we did it again and again at various spots.  My very patient friend took well over 100 shots...


Home Birth Vs. Hospital Birth

Well, my first four (yes, I know that sounds crazy) were born in hospitals. One Virginia boy. Two Jersey girls. One Florida girl.  I have had positive experiences. No hospital horror stories, though I do hear a lot of those.  With all my girls, I had an epidural.  I have concluded that it definitely slows things down and birthing a child is nothing to slow down. I have also concluded that it is not as necessary as you might think.  I didn't miss a nurse waiting on me.  I didn't even miss getting served my meals.  I didn't miss waiting to leave the hospital...for some reason that takes forever.  I didn't miss sitting in that bed. Just sitting. Watching TV in that bed was always so boring.  Number five came along and I decided to change it up this time.

Liam's story:  Contractions started ten minutes apart while driving Eric to football practice.  Really not that bad. I actually welcomed them.  Having something, anything...get started was long awaited.  My due date from my ultrasound said that I was due Aug. 26th. SEVENTEEN DAYS LATER...contractions on the way to football practice.  (My LPM date was Sept 8th...he was really just four days late.)  Sadly the contractions stopped but I did put my midwife on alert.  1:51 am come along.  WHOA! It became apparent that Liam finally wanted out. But I had no idea when to call Misti, my midwife, after all she is a mama to six so I really didn't want to wake her.  Like I said, Liam really wanted OUT, so just thirty minutes went by and I called.  Since we live in the middle of nowhere, I knew it would take her a while to get out here.  I walked around my bedroom. Slipped into the tub for a bit.  Held on to Misti.  She had magical fingers on my back with each contraction.  It was time to push. I was on the floor on all fours.  Then I ended up on the bed in the same position. Liam was born just after 5am and he greeted by his brother and sisters when they woke up for school.  It was so weird to be able to move around.  In a hospital I was always hooked up to monitors and unable to do anything but shift from one side to another.

This is where I sound like a hippie:  This all happened the way is was supposed to happen.  God gave women this gift.  And he equipped us to know how to do it.  We just don't know that.  We think we need to read more, study more, and talk about horror stories and medicate the pain.  I kept asking Misti, "What do I do next?"  My mind wanted info...I have always listened to the nurses tell me shift...shift...shift.... I didn't know how to give birth.  I didn't know what to do next.  Misti told me to do whatever I felt like.  I found myself moving from each stage of labor to the next and my body adjusted. It knew what position to be in. It knew how to bring forth life.  Liam came out. Life happened.

Family helped. With food. With laundry. With the kids.  I was so thankful to bring Liam into our family in our own home.

It's My Birthday, I'll Blog If I Want To

So it's been long over due. (Much like most of my library books).  Time to blog.  Here are the ideas that I've wanted to write about for so long now.

-Home birth vs. hospital birth
-Liam Jude: blessings and challenges
-Kid updates-new school year...
-I completely skipped over Halloween pictures. But I do have Thanksgiving ones.

I am wondering how long this will take me.  Everything takes longer when you have an infant.  Hours and hours longer.  But it won't get done if I don't start.

But first...someone's crying in his crib.  Off I go...


Vacation 2012

Still waiting on Liam.  For real.  Stupid ultrasound said his due date was 8/26. I believed it.  My "lady cycle" tells me his due date is TODAY 9/8.  So....My mind and body is well, ugh.  Here are pics from our little getaway we took just a half hour from home.  


Busted Face 2012

Liam is still not here...must get my mind off his upcoming arrival.  So to the blog I go...

Busted Face 2012

My mother-in-law offered to watch the kids one summer morning and for the first time I got to relax a bit.  I went to pick them up after lunch and a fabulous Florida storm quickly came upon us.  It got real dark and real windy real quick.  So in an effort to avoid any danger, yeah okay, I pulled the van up to the front porch.  The kids were all standing on the porch and I was telling them to hurry up and not bother with putting shoes on.  I stood on the porch stairs.  And yes, a tree limb broke and fell on me.

Blood.  Lots of blood. All over my white maternity top.  Sorry to whoever loaned that to me.  The branch knocked me over but not out.  Praise God that it did not hit any of the kids.  Alayna did get scratched up a bit and now has a fear of windy storms.  So I stood up and walked into to house as Debbie calmed the screaming kids.  Walking to the bathroom I wasn't sure if my head was bleeding or my nose.  One look in the mirror and I knew my nose was broken. Ugh. It was purple and terribly bent.  Plus an open wound next to my eye was pouring out blood as well.

Melissa drove me to the Fire Department where several helpful men drilled me with tons of questions to make sure my brain was functioning okay.  I nailed them.  I was gonna be alright.  They wanted to take me to the hospital, but I was so glad Melissa could take me.

34 weeks pregnant. Covered in blood.  Neck brace.  Purple nose.  Open gash on my face.  Hours and hours of waiting for results.  CAT scans. Shots. Meds. Stitches.  Two black eyes.  Lots of swelling.  The sight of my face made Cailin cry.  None of this compared to what happened a week later...

I entered this facial rejuvenation spa with woman getting their Botox on.  Not knowing my fate I entered the room.  The decision was made.  Fix me now.  There was no way I was going to walk around with a busted face and bent nose waiting for a surgery that I might not get for a long time to come.

Needles pressed all over my face.  Then it was a butter knife type object.  Shoved it up my nose and moved it back.  Words cannot describe the pain I went through.  I really don't even want to type out the details fearing my memory would cause me pain just thinking about it.

I had a splint up my nose and a cast on for a week.  I survived.  Nasty couple of weeks.  Now I am left with a terrible deviated septum and a scar on my face.

Very thankful it wasn't as bad as it could have been.  The Lord provided through the whole ordeal.  He provided protection for my children.  He provided help through loved ones.  He provided healing.  He provided all I needed.

**Confession:  Just posted this blog.  Found out I have 4 drafts started somewhere.  Apparently blog 100 was really 96.  Oh well.**




1. My Savior-He died for my sins...nothing better than His forgiveness.
2. My Lord- He is my strength and peace and all I need. He leads me.
3. My Husband- He is truly the love of my life...I am blessed beyond measure with him.
4. My Children- The hope we need to carry on.  Our teachers.  Our reason.  Our future.
5. My Home- Comfort, shelter, where our family became One.
6. My Church- Where His Word is proclaimed and lived out.
7. My Family- Support. Love. Real.
8. My Earth- A reflection of God's glory.
9. My Past- Forming who I am today.
10. My Future- In Heaven with My Lord and Savior.

11. His peace.
12. His sweet Word.
13. His promises.
14. His voice.
15. His mercy.
16. His hope.
17. His holiness.
18. His glory.
19. His power.
20. His intimate knowledge.

21. Billy balances me.
22. Billy encourages my walk with Christ.
23. Billy challenges my faith.
24. Billy makes my laugh.
25. Billy knows me well.
26. Billy serves.
27. Billy leads our home.
28. Billy is my children's hero.
29. Billy is devoted first to Christ then to us.
30. Billy has potential to be used by God more and more.

31. Eric. When he says, "I love you." It's sincere.
32. Eric. He earnestly knows right from wrong.  He desires to honor God.
33. Eric. His intelligence.
34. Eric. His humor.
35. Eric. His talents.
35. Eric. His challenges are an avenue to strength.
36. Eric. His sisters make him laugh really hard.
37. Eric. He adores his dad.  His heart bleeds for him.
38. Eric. His forgetfulness drives me nuts.
39. Eric. His emotions make him real.
40. Eric. He can still curl up and snuggle.

41. Alayna. She truly cares for others.
42. Alayna. She is patient with her sisters.
43. Alayna. She is a helper because she likes to help.
44. Alayna. She has grown in Christ.
45. Alayna. She speaks her mind.
46. Alayna. She is herself and doesn't pretend to be anyone else.
47. Alayna. She continues to mature.
48. Alayna. She will always be Daddy's little girl.
49. Alayna. Her words and her voice reminds me of me.
50. Alayna. She just might change the world.

51. Cailin. Her silliness amazes us.
52. Cailin. Her giggle captures us.
53. Cailin. Ice blue eyes. Freckles. Blond bouncy curls.
54. Cailin. Her sensitivity is both a weakness and a strength.
55. Cailin. She adores her big sister.
56. Cailin. She is genuine.
57. Cailin. Her Daddy looks at her in wonder.
58. Cailin. She is quiet and sweet.  She is loud and crazy.
59. Cailin. She is a care taker.
60. Cailin. Her hugs are powerful.

61. Ella. Her love for people shows.
62. Ella. Her prayers are powerful.
63. Ella. She snuggles with Daddy.
64. Ella. She looks up to her big brother.
65. Ella. She dances freely.
66. Ella. Her love for reading will help her.
67. Ella. Her personality is bigger than she is.
68. Ella. Her potential should intimidate others.
69. Ella. She still climbs in bed every morning with Cailin.
70. Ella. Her world will change with a little brother...and I know she will be excellent.

71. Liam. He holds a future that gives me hope.
72. Liam. He will be Eric's brother.
73. Liam. He will be another son for Billy.
74. Liam. He is an answered prayer.
75. Liam. He turns around, has the hiccups, and sucks his thumb- he's real.
76. Liam. He was created in my inmost being by God.
77. Liam. His power is evident in his growth.
78. Liam. He extended my motherhood.
79. Liam. He will doted on as the final Hasselman Baby.
80. Liam. He surprised me.  Caught off guard.  And that's okay with me.

81. We fit in our house nicely and have all we need.
82. We have a vehicle to travel in.
83. We have an abundance of food.
84. We are blessed with a large supply of clothing.
85. We can make it warm or cool.
86. We can educate ourselves.
87. We have Heavenly Provider and an earthly provider in Billy.
88. We are healthy.
89. We laugh. We mess up. We forgive. We learn. We shine.
90. We are created as a family for His purposes.

91. The beach.
92. Chocolate.
93. A fresh cup of quality coffee.
94. A walk in nature with my loved ones.
95. Mouth watering chicken parmesan.
96. My kids singing, dancing, and making music.
97. My girls playing Barbies.
98. Laughing until I pee.
99. Billy's lips.
100. There's always more and more to be thankful for.  Always.


Rest and Responsibility

We listen to books in the car.  We listen to books at night (sometimes).  Each child has been reading his/her own book after book, even Cailin.  Can you tell I what my former profession was?  They have had writing assignments and math problems. They love to draw and create. And most recently we have inherited old school chair/desks from the Post Office.  Weird, I know.  But who could resist?

We swim in our pool.  We swim in Gammy's neighborhood pool.  We swim at the beach.  Yes, I take my kiddos to the beach myself.  (We love company, but going solo doesn't stop me).  All three big kids have conquered swimming this summer.  Not to perfection, but to the point where we all thoroughly enjoy our time.  And thankfully now Ella will wear swimmies, so this is a load off my mind.  We have rested in reading and rested in swimming.

We have been soaking in all that summer offers.  It has offered opportunities to rest and enjoy.  The kids even sleep in a bit.  So as I sit and look around my house...dishes, laundry, toys and more all piled up...I need to take a deep breathe.  Responsibility.  Up until my busted nose incident (which still deserves its own blog entry), I have had time to leisurely keep up with all aspects of house upkeep.  I have rested in having time to be responsible.  Seriously, its scary how "in order" the whole thing has been.

Tonight, Eric is at football- a sure sign the schedule will be changing shortly.  My nose and entire head are aching badly and I am awaiting taking my next dosage of allowed pain meds.  I need to feed my girls some dessert, look at pictures from the summer (by their request), read to them and snuggle up (not too close-my nose has a huge fear of being smacked again.)  The mess that surrounds me will have to wait.  Resting in the mess- this is new.  But a lesson for responsible Mommy.  Pretty soon it will be learning to rest in the midst of raising a newborn and four other children.


A Little Help from my Friends

This blog entry has been written several times.  Though it has been in my head and not actually typed out. Here's to a lot of typing.  I had intended to be more consistent this summer about recording the memories, but we all know how that goes.  I decided to not be so hard on myself and let it go...until I couldn't take it anymore.  Time to type.

Our summer began with a great release of busy activities and a tight schedule.  Whew!  As I take a deep breathe...this is what the beginning of our summer felt like.  Towards the end of school I had several substitute positions.  Some in which I taught 40 kids in one room how to do the Limbo, and some in which I would help put 12 three-year-olds down for a two hour nap in a cold dark room.  During those nap times, my brain stormed with ideas for my own kids this summer.  Independence was the theme. The end of the summer would bring about a new addition to our family, so my goal has been to make the four kids I have able to handle life on their own, so to speak.

Chores and allowance helped make this happen.  KP Duty is the most favorite.  The Kitchen Patrol person has the honor of choosing what we will eat for dinner during the week.  They are also in charge of helping Mommy cook those dinners and even a dessert.  So they have learned how Mommy cooks, but better than that, basic cutting and spreading and opening and putting things away.  And then there's my favorite lesson stated with some huffs and puffs..."Mommy, this is a lot of work."

The kid on Bubble Duty cleans the bathroom once a week and maintains keeping it clean all week,  The other big responsibility they have is to put the Laundry in the washing machine, water to the right level, soap and all.  I transfer it to the dryer and fold it all up.  They are too small to reach the bottom of the washer and I couldn't take watching them fold that's my job.  Then they deliver the Laundry to the appropriate spot.  Each kid puts away their own clothes, except for Ella, not because she's three, but because her clothes belong high up on shelves in her closet.  Bubble Duty has gone surprisingly well.

The last job a kid has is called Groundskeeper.  They make sure all shoes are put away from the front door.  They help with keeping the outside straightened up, which has been easy because it's been so hot. They are also in charge of watering plants, when Mommy remembers to tell them.  And soon they will help dig up the garden in the dead heat of July.  They do all the odds and ends, including making sure all the lights are off in the house when we leave.

The three big kids have the three big jobs and Ella is pretty much everyone's helper.  They get paid three dollars a week, and Ella gets a dollar for helper duty.  We have been teaching them give, save, and spend.  So far they have given and saved.  They realize how many things they DON'T want to spend money on.

Independence has been our theme.  The kids make their own breakfasts and do their own dishes after breakfast and lunch.  Initially, I have had lots of ideas as far as play time goes too.  I didn't want bored kids, so I had lists of things to do in case they had their head cocked to the side and started moping around the house.  Thankfully, independence settled and play time has become inspired and created by themselves with little to no assistance.  With maybe the exception of Eric...he has always needed a push. Plus he does have three little sisters, so when he is done playing with them his time is spent learning the beginning chords to any and every song he knows from You Tube.

With ten weeks in a summer break, we reached six of them with success.  Not too shabby.  This week is a bit different.  I have a busted face (which will have its own separate blog entry), which means a world of different things happening.  No food shopping, no cleaning, no regular routine...ahh!  But it has meant I have been graced with helpers that help me with the kids.  These helpers have been a blessing in more ways then they will know. They have taken what is most precious to me and handled them with care (...and a stern voice.)  Next week, or so I hope, we go back to my kids being the helpers.


Spin Baby!

Baby Liam is Mr. Posterior.  He is lying right along my back.  His little bottom should face my belly, instead he is what they call, "Sunny Side Up."  Miss Lanie was posterior as well and she drove me to get my first of three epidurals.  Since Liam will be delivered at home (deep breathe), I am motivated to spin him around.  The pain I have along my back is a big motivator too.  I have been doing research on exercises and stretches and today I went for a fifteen minute walk on the treadmill, something I haven't done in the last six months.  Yep, I plan on hanging upside down tonight, when Billy gets home so he can supervise me, in hopes of re positioning my boy.   Okay, not really hanging, more like getting on my knees on the very end of the couch with my rear facing up and somehow sticking my elbows on the ground.  Billy said he'll help only if I will take a picture and post it.  That's not gonna happen. It's funny how different you feel when you  are in charge, for the most part, of delivering your baby.  Independent and empowering come to mind, as well as a bit of nervousness.  I decided to have a home birth for my final, yes final, go around because I wanted to fully embrace the gift of mothering a child.  This blessing comes with responsibility that will be preceded by much prayer.  Here's to Liam spinning around!


Kindergarten in Bloom

My Funny Girl Alayna has blossomed during the kindergarten school year.  Her handwriting went from big chunky strokes to smooth well formed letters.  She went from knowing how to read dog and cat and the names of family members to reading well above grade level.  She reads book after book all by herself and is still motivated to read more.  Her speech has improved and she now can make sounds she has never been able to make.  Our time to listen to God's Word and remember AWANA verses transformed as well.  Intimated and frustrated at times, Alayna would zone out when it came time to recite her verse.  Something changed.  She started to have a desire to understand the Bible story and would take her time confidently learning phrase after phrase.  Watching children learn, never ceases to amaze me.

Tooth Fairy and Talent Show

Eric just lost another tooth and since the girls are already asleep I felt it was the right time to tell him that the Tooth Fairy doesn't exist. I told him that I would still give him money for his teeth but he couldn't tell the girls about the Tooth Fairy being a fake. He looked at me and said, "I know there isn't a tooth fairy." I told him, "You could have told me that a long time ago." There have been many times I have had to get out of bed at like midnight because "the tooth fairy" forgot to give him his money. Then when I told him all I do is throw his teeth away he got upset because he wanted to keep them and sell them on ebay when he is a famous athlete or musician.  ~From Billy's Facebook~

Eric at his first talent show.  He walks around with his guitar strapped to himself the entire day.  With more direction...this will be the first of many more to come.

Funny Girl

Alayna ended her prayers a few weeks back with a bang.  She said, "Just like the first letter of the alphabet...A-A-A Amen!"  I told her that God loves how funny she is and her response was, "I know.  I found that out a long time ago."  She is just like her Daddy.  Ever since I can remember Billy has said, "I know my God thinks I'm funny."  She has never heard him say that and I love how she knows how God feels about her, just like her Daddy.


Directions for an Eric

When your infant has an ear infection, you can tell because they are extra fussy.  They might tug on their ear and they do not eat as much as normal.  They might wake up in the middle of the night and run a fever.  And a special cry accompanies these symptoms.

When your toddler has an ear infection, you can tell because they are extra cranky.  They might be able to tell you, "Owie,"  as they point to their ear.  They just want to drink juice.  They will come to your room at night.  And their special cry as turned to a special whine.  

For the infant, you might take the baby to the doctor.  You hold the baby cuddled close for comfort.  For the toddler, you might know better.  You might know that the doctor's antibiotic trick will help, but isn't completely necessary.  So pain relievers become helpful and plenty of liquids is okay. 

When your Eric has an ear infection, he tells you. He demands to go to the doctor.  He holds his throat and screams when you try to feed him.  Your Eric will scream and cry as much as the infant and whine as much as the toddler.    He will cry in his room, cry when you read to him, and cry when you hold him. He might refuse ear drops and he will also demand round the clock pain relievers. He will lay with his SpiderMan blanket on his SpiderMan couch in your kitchen.  He will look at you with icy blue eyes bulging from his face telling you that he is dying.  Don't believe him.  Give him some hot tea.  He will tell that drinking it is like walking the streets of gold in Heaven.  


Preschool Trips

Each month my friend Krisha sets up a special field trip for our little ones.  We are blessed with some time to focus on them.  Here are two trips that I actually remembered my camera for.  We visited Fort Matanzas and the Smith Family Farm.  For both of these trips I kept Alayna and Cailin out of school.  Nothing better then playing hookie for some fun and fresh air. 

The girls posed by the trees for me, which was quite a treat because they usually run from the camera.

Ella just can't help her ridiculous smile.  It's so forced that it's comical and predictable.

After hanging under the trees we were almost ready to board the ferry, but we just had to play with the sand.

I wish the ferry boat ride lasted longer.

Notice Ella's silly smile again. Sigh.  This is inside the fort.  The kids were able to see what it was like to live there.  They loved sitting  on top of the cannons.  Alayna and Cailin ventured to the tippy top of the fort.  Mommy stayed behind with Ella.  

Finally, Alayna and Kelten.  Just look at those eyes he has for her.  Heartbreaker in the making.

Smith Family Farm was such a sweet adventure.  We had visited a couple years back and were able to pick some vegetables from the farm and feed the cows.  This view of the cows is from the tractor ride.  Last time I met these cows my toe turned purple for about six months.  We didn't get out this time.  
The girls loving feeding the fish.  They grab handfuls of food and most of  it makes it into the pond.  
The girls were outnumbered on this trip.  So many boys were running and climbing on the tractors.  I had to force the girls to stand near one.  
Cousins, Brendan and Ben, were able to join in with us.  I think Brendan would make a great farmer.

Yay!  The girls climb up to ride the tractor around the farm.  I was proud of  Ella who usually clings to my leg.  It helped to have her older sisters to set the example of being brave.

We also took a trip to Uncle Dale's airplane where we learned how to fly.  It was amazing.  Next we are going to a gymnastics class.  Our Preschool Trips with family and friends are always a time to enjoy.