She was born on March 6, 5:13am and weighed 6 lbs. 13 oz. and was 18 inches long.
Mommy's "My Mist" Blogspot can have many functions. Outreach, outlet...and BABY ALBUM!!
I am very excited to make this Blog a journal that my kids can look back on in the years to come.
I am very excited to make this Blog a journal that my kids can look back on in the years to come.
So here is just a bit of Ella's First Year...
Such tiny feet and hands!! Ella is still a little peanut. She is just 16.5 lbs. During the last couple of weeks Ella finally decided it was time to get teeth #3 and 4, and now she is walking (and falling, too:) One of her favorite things to do is give kisses. Imagine someone giving you a big wet fake kiss...puckered lips and a big squeak. We hear that sound most at bedtime as she tours the bedrooms giving kisses to the crowd.
When you look at her and play with her, you can feel her sweetness.
Ella has had many adventures during her first year. This is a picture of her sleeping in the trunk of the van at the beach. (NO, IT WAS NOT TOO HOT!!)
Yes, she actually fell asleep like this in her bouncy seat. She kept sliding and sliding. But, yeah, she stayed asleep there was no way I was going to touch her while the other kids had many "projects" going on.
This is a picture of our travels to New Jersey. Ella had fun on the plane. We hope she enjoys the car ride that we'll take in there in May.
Ella adores her big sisters. She constantly watches what they are playing with and how they are playing with it. You can see her study them and try to mimic them. Tonight she tried to put on blue sparkle flipflops. She has the most fun with her big brother. They play tag and wrestle together. It's quite a sight!
Ella are a joy to so many. May the Lord have His hand upon you and guide your days ahead. Thank you for being a beauty whose heart shines bright.