Thoughts of a Mama Gone Nuts...
I need to go food shopping. If I feed my kids any more animal crackers...they are going to start to throw them back at me. The dilemma? A mom ALWAYS wants her kids to get the optimum amount of sleep. So, courtsey of Daylight Savings...sleep gets messed up.
The girls now sleep an HOUR later. I would have to wake them up an hour earlier in order to get Eric on the bus on time. (We drive to the bus stop, it's so far away.) So we have been driving Eric to school each day this week.
And here the thoughts roll...
Ella needs to take two naps...AM and PM. Should she skip her morning nap and should I just go food shopping with my ladies? (We always do this...but Uncle Chris is in town and Gammy and Papa John said they would watch the girls while I shop.) So should take her AM nap here and then we'll head out into the world? Will I be home to put her down for a nap in the afternoon? And if so, will she be up at 3:30? I have to drive down to get Eric off the bus then.
Oh boy! And I had to woke up Alayna to take Eric to school. Will she fall asleep in the car? Will Cailin take a much need rest in the car, too?
I told Gammy I'd call her at 9am to let her know my plans...MY PLANS??? I don't know, ask my kids. The decision was made...I'll let Ella sleep here in the morning and head out to visit and go food shopping (with my fingers crossed that an adult come home with me so I don't have to wake Ella up to get Eric off the bus.) That will work IF she doesn't fall alseep on the home. Turns out, Uncle Chris didn't get in until late and the Field house is not happy that I called so early. How's a girl to know?? I just put Ella down for her nap...and she screamed...REALLY?? And now she's not sleeping...why bother?
I'm about to break! This might all sound like nonsense to some. But these decsions ARE important. I confess I do lose my sanity in hopes of saving my sanity IF they sleep.
Off to make the best of our day...I believe it was in Mighty Python..."Always look on the bright side of life." Yeah we see Uncle Chris! Yeah we visit our grandparents! Yeah we WILL have food other than animal crackers!