We have lived in Florida for almost three years now. The last two winters have been beautiful days filled with blue skies, white clouds, and cool breezes and it was DRY. This winter was different. While our family and friends to the north experienced much snow, we had much rain. Several times on gloomy days, Eric had said, "This looks like New Jersey." (He seems to have vivid memories of the two years he lived there.)
The kids and I made the best of our wetlands. Rain boots, toy boats, play alligators, pirate ships, and even the boogie board. Each giant puddle had to be inspected for critters. Once the kids got the clear, they jumped, splashed, and ran straight into every puddle they saw.
No snow angels. No snowmen. Or snowball fights. Yes, after each foot of snow Jersey received, Billy and I would reminisce about how excited we were about those snow days. Sledding at the pit and walking on the beach in the snow are great memories.
Our kids winter memories will differ quite a bit from our own...but that's just fine with me! To see my girls in their mismatched outfits and crazy blond hair play "follow the leader" and sing silly songs while pulling each other along in knee deep in muddy water... I am grateful. To see Eric dive in puddles with his boogie board and carry his sisters along for the ride...I am grateful. When its chilly, we do follow up our day with hot chocolate and marshmallows and we pile on the blankets in our cozy pajamas...we love our winter wonderland.
Spring is on the way...and hurricane season :)