shabby blogs good luck charm


Christmas 2010

Our Christmas seemed to be flooded with sneezes.  Fevers everyday for almost a week.  Pressure in the head. Aches and pains.  Coughs keeping us awake.  We consumed every color Triaminic makes.

The morning arrived on the 25th...we waited for the children to wake up.  Billy and I so excited to see their reactions...yet Alayna was so out of it, she just wanted to go back to bed.  Eventually she did.  

They unwrapped every gift, with bright eyes and gasps.  It made them giddy.  I videotaped it all.  And because I had a camera in my hand, the boxes, bags, and paper piled up high.  But as I was taping, I realized it was the beginning of the end.  Soon it would be clean up time and back to the routines.  

This holiday season has been busy, yet filled with so much love.  It seemed like there was a constant wave of activities to enjoy.  I’m so thankful Christmas is a season and not just a day to open gifts.  Because after we unwrapped presents, the chaos drove me nuts.  The mess. The clutter. The cranky kids. I’m thankful Christmas is a season when all my efforts are for others.  A time to share God’s love with others.  

Days after Christmas my efforts are geared towards still digging my way out of the mess. (Okay, it’s not that bad.) But the we are still recovering from the cold monster.  We are playing with toys and still I hear, “Mommy, I don’t know what to do...”  Well, I certainly have lots of ideas for them.  

I’m looking forward to thinking about New Years...the hope, the promises, the pleasantries of wishful thinking...but as for right now, I have noses to wipe and a neglected bedroom to attend to...



My 30th Birthday. (11/27/10)

Sniffles for Christmas

My parents tell me I was always sick at Christmastime.  I remember always being sick on my birthday, too.  I have always been prone to a good head cold or chest cold or strep throat or tonsillitis.  Well, I have my fingers crossed right now.  Little Ella has a chest cold.  The kind with a fever.  The kind where she must remain on your hip ALL DAY or else.  And now Cailin is passed out on the couch...yes, she doesn't feel well either.  We are taking our vitamins and Tylenol and praying for speedy recoveries.  We are hoping this cold doesn't claim more victims.  

I am continuing to prepare for Christmas.  Now I am doing it with two ill little ones and two anxious little ones. No matter what December 25th holds for us...this Christmas season has been a blessed one.  Hard to believe that there are hours spent in preparation and next week this time it will be a memory.  I suppose that's how it is with most things in life.  That's why we need to live in the moment and make it count.  

Here's my moment: One the couch.  One in the crib.  Two watching a movie.  Dinner to make. Cookies to bake.  Presents to wrap.  What to do?   Take time to pray for my little ones.  Curl up with the two watching a movie.  Then start dinner, dessert, and gifts while I can...before it starts to get loud again in here....(As a hear Alayna starting to cough. Ahhh!!!)


Kids' Christmas Party

God laid it on my heart, a month ago, to have a party for the kids to kick off Christmas break.  This time of year is about sharing God's love, as He did with us.  So, it was a nice way for my little ones to take part in sharing their home with others.  The plans were easy: make an ornament, eat lunch (pizza), watch a movie (with pillows and blankets and popcorn), and then games outside.  There were some challenging moments with 18 kids ranging in age from a year and a half to seven.  Much thanks to my many helpers or it would not have been possible.  The kids truly enjoyed spending time just being kids together. 


So Much to Say

It is hard to decide what to write about after not blogging for so long.  So much to get off my mind.  The thought of writing sometimes is too overwheleming, but as soon as my fingers start to type, I'm relieved.  The wheels are turning, sometimes I pause and put on the brakes.  And sometimes I feel like I'm at a red light that just won't change.  But when the trip is over and I have a result, an entry, I feel much better.

So here I go:

Christmas- I love little white lights glowing in my house. I love that red and green compliment my living room quite well.  I love that my kids finally eat the cookies we bake and don't just pick out the chocolate chips anymore.  I love that the kids are so excited to GIVE each other gifts.  I love that they know that Christmas is about sharing God's love, as He shared with us.  I could go on....

But I have to get a lot off this mind....

KIDS.........(pictures are on the dud computer....still working on moving them over.)
Ella- Such a copy cat.  Every move the kids make-she's there following along.  If they cry-she cries.  If they want more-she wants more.  If they drag out all of their bedding because they are going on a flight from "Los Angeles to Miami," she is right there with her pillow and blanket in hand ready to roll.

Cailin- Still sweet. Still shy.  Still screams.  I can't believe that next year she will be in PreK.  We took a break from our ABC time when I started to sub more often.  I'm looking forward to getting back on track after Christmas.  She knows most of her alphabet...need to work more on handwriting...she's showing  more of an interest.  She, too, is still a copy cat.  She loves her some Alayna...her hero.

Alayna- Oh Miss Lanie.  She is four.  And I admire her too.  Not much phases her at all.  On the playground a few weeks ago, she runs into a little boy who is blocking the entrance to the tunnel.  "Hi. I'm Alayna.  My sister needs to get through.  Could you move? What's your name? How old are you? Could you move now?"  As a little girl I would have gotten my mom and had her tell that boy to move...much too shy.  But not her.  Maybe that's why she's Cailin's hero.

Eric-  He loves superheroes.  He loves football and most sports for that matter.  He loves chillin' out with Daddy.  He loves making plans for his family.  And when he tells me he loves me...his eyes sparkle and I know he means it.  

Yes, there's more....

House-I don't like clutter.  I don't like objects not in the right place.  Dusted. Organized. Vacuumed.  Sprayed. Scrubbed.  Mopped.  Shiny. Fresh.  That's the way I like it.  However, it's an uphill battle everyday.  If I'm not doing something for or with my kids, I'm  cleaning.  

Work- I truly love being in the classroom.  I truly love "staying at home."  I'm thankful to have my parents help on days I sub.  Slowly working on finding the balance.  

Back to Christmas- So much still "to do."  Gifts, cookies, wrapping, cards, activities, and  I am so very blessed.  Thanks for sending your Love.  What a time of year to share it :)


Fall '10 Snapshots

Cailin taking a "rest."
Ella, her partner.
Ella tried to climb up for a pyramid shot.  Not a good idea.
So much time has passed...her teeth have been filled in. 
We love dress up!
Especially Cailin.
Eric reading to his sisters.
Eric had an awesome soccer season.  Tons of goals!
Jacksonville Zoo Trip.

Mommy and her ladies!

Eric and Ella, the copy cat.

More Halloween.

Ella at Aunt Sarah's Potluck dinner.

Firehouse Trip.


Sock Season

Ella said...."Coooold" as I opened the front door this morning.  She's a Florida girl.  It was fifty.  I can remember being a kid, we were so excited it was fifty degrees out because we thought that was warm!  It's sock season, as I call it.  Socks everywhere! Socks in the car, socks by the door, socks in the playroom, laundry room, bedrooms, bathrooms. Socks in my purse.  Socks at other people's houses.  Really...these kids do not like socks.  (Since I typed this...yes, I had to collect and wash and dry them all.)  Eric said the other day, "How do these socks get folded in a nice ball like this in the dryer?" I think he's a bright kid, but really??? Don't you see Mommy washing, drying, and folding all the time!!!  Ahh, yes, sock season.



I needed a break. Doesn't everyone? So I had a plan. Work crazy hard on Wednesday. Enjoy the hour that the oldest three kids were gone at AWANA. It's much better relaxing, after you've worked hard and have a clean house to show for it. I was going to sleep in a half hour later on Thursday. (The phone rang much much earlier then I excepted and woke me up...oh well.) This didn't stop my plan. After the shower, I made coffee and sat down to read. Billy was on the clock. He put laundry in, woke up the kids, got breakfast, got them ready for school, cleaned up the dishes...and on and on. I sat and read. That's it. He blessed me with precious time. Then he took the kids to school and the little ones went with him. Yes, a quiet house for 45 minutes. Glorious. When he returned we packed up for a walk and lunch at Ravine Gardens. And this weekend we have a beach day and zoo day plans in the works. (All at no cost!! Except gas!!) I have felt a need for a break for a while and I am so happy to have had simple quiet time this morning. Family time will be this weekend. Precious.

Currently the pictures will not load onto the computer. Soon I'd like to post pics of soccer and of our mornings at home with my two little girls, but right now that's not happening.


Psalm 118:1

Headed to soccer.  Eric has scored 5 goals in 3 games.  5 goals out of his team's total of 6!!  Go Eric!! We all scream!! The girls bring a soccer suitcase with Barbie on the front.  It's equipped with books, coloring books, crayons, magazines.  I have a cereal bag for when they get the munchies. We eat dinner after school.  We leave the house a mess and cross our fingers we have time to get in the bath when we get home. I hope to have enough energy to gather the mess together a bit after they are asleep and before I hit the couch to veg out.  Headed out the door now....knowing my fate.  I have a headache as usual. I'm going to use bunches of money on gas.  Eric doesn't know where his socks are or how to get his shin pads on.  I can't forget to feed Jersey or pack dinner for Billy.  Cailin will fall asleep. Maybe Alayna.  Cailin will scream when she wakes up in the parking lot.  And when we leave the game.  Its been a habit since day one of soccer.  Ella will not want to stay in her stroller.  She'll want to jump out on the field.  Alayna will have the soccer suitcase items spread out everywhere.  Billy and the rest of the family will meet us there.  We will cheer Eric on.  The sun will set.  The air will get chilly.  And I will thank the Lord....for He is good. 



In the last two weeks I have substituted in three different classrooms: two special needs and a second grade class.  It reminds me how much work and love goes into teaching.  Both in school and at home.  If I "slack off" for 30 minutes at home, I am very behind on the upkeep. Being gone for hours at a time, really puts us behind!  It takes a lot of love to spend hours and hours a day, sharing knowledge and caring for little ones.  I have a completely different perspective teaching now, compared to teaching years ago.  Actually having a school-aged  child  has helped make gain more insight to a student's daily life and needs.  Helping in special needs classes has given me much to be thankful for and much to pray for.  Prayers for the students, teachers, parents...prayers for progress, for hopefulness, and understanding...prayers for enjoyment and rest...prayers for tomorrow. 


School Year 2010

Eric, painting at 18 months.  I have always tried to get "down and dirty" when playing with my kids.  We make messes often.  Whatever medium dough, glitter, markers, dress up clothes piled high, and yes, dirt.  It's fun to use a stick to write your name in the dirt.  It's fun to carry it around and pretend its birthday cake, too.  I used to work full time as a teacher. 

When I was working,  Papa John watched Eric two days a week.  This is a picture of Eric getting "down and dirty."  Yes, you see eggs, sugar, flour, and a baking pan.  He tried to make chocolate chip cookies!!  Where was Papa John? He had the CAMERA!!
Here is Ella and Cailin painting.  I can't believe its only been five short years.  I am an "at home mommy" now.  Still, we make messes.  Cailin is doing a great job learning her ABCs.  Books, crafts, songs, and treasure hunts!  Baking, too....but Mommy is in charge of that!  I feel so very blessed.

Time is flying by.  This is a picture of the 2009 school year kicking off for Eric, as a kindergartner. 
And now the 2010 school year is fully under way!  I am in desperate need of getting messy at the beach! The weather is amazing!!  Now, if I could only make the time!!



Just scrolled down my blog.  No pics since July.  What's with that?  Will do.  Ella is still up though.......

Saturday Night

Saturday night is full of screams and laughter.  Then, silence.  Billy teaches at youth group during this time, which changed its meeting date from Sunday to Saturday.  This is a nice change that means we see Daddy all day on Sunday :) This change also means that the girls and I have a night to ourselves...because, of course, Eric must join the middle school and high school kids, after all he is a big kid.  I have had fun plans for these nights.  Nails, hair, pjs, baking desserts, watching movies, playing games... I still do have those plans.  But the last three Saturday nights have come and gone and I have not followed through with any of those plans.  (The ideas were only in my head though....if the girls ever knew my thoughts...I would HAVE TO follow through.)  Instead tonight after a dinner of leftovers, the girls got in the tub.  Alayna wanted to wash Ella and Cailin.  And Cailin wanted to wash Alayna.  That's when the laughter started.  Shrieks and giggles.  So very very loud. All three tried swimming in the tub, which was followed by Row, Row, Row Your Boat with water going everywhere!  Then they tried wrestling each other in the tub...this quickly ended tub time.  Still giddy, the girls ran about the house, still wet and naked.  Funny thing was, the laughter wasn't one-sided.  (You know, one laughing and the other crying.)  My plans did go down hill.  No baking. No game. It turned out to be a night where we let the playroom stay messy, watch a 20 minute video, read a book and go to bed.  Nothing pajama- party- like at all.  But the giggles and laughter were enough.  I'd love to capture it all somehow.  Cailin and Alayna went to bed with a fuss at all for Daddy.  Ella, too! (Though she is up now.  The night didn't stay silent.  She was up before I finished this blog.  Finally, all.....yes all....of her teeth are now coming through.)  Next Saturday....baking muffins in our pjs.  Tea party with stuffed animals.  I promise.  Just don't tell the girls. 



It's September!! Though the summer air still lingers, fall activities are beginning.  Gators football is on. The girls and I are doing crafts. Saturday afternoon is upon us and it's time to type this blog then sit and relax with my kids.  I am very thankful for the way school has started.  Getting out of the house has become routine and the kids even have time to straighten up and veg for a bit before we leave.  Eric loves first grade.  He says it's amazing. Alayna was brave going to PreK, and then when the second week arrived....decided to fuss all she could.  Yes, Lanie, you have to go everyday :(  We have seen the stomach virus and a head cold tear through our house.  So next week can only get better! Cailin and Ella have been great at home...letting Mommy get work done.  They play together quietly.  Ahhh! Yes, quietly!  After school is always a challenge and still is.  Pure insanity breaks out when Eric gets home.  He is good about doing his homework and having a snack.  After that, it becomes loud.  Very loud.  I have attempted to make "centers" for the kids to play in, so they can have time to do things themselves.....a craft, the computer, books, drums... But our time is best spent running wild outside with games and races and bikes.  Our busy evenings are just beginning.  Soccer hasn't started yet.  Hoping it starts to feel like fall before it starts. 


A Change is Gonna Come....

Summer: beach, pool, beach, pool, pool, beach, beach, pool........

School time: All of us OUT by 8am. Dressed. Fed. Clean. Prepared. Off to South Woods Elementary...Eric will be in first grade (crossing my fingers he likes it better than last year.)  Off to Elkton Academy...Alayna will be in VPK (crossing my fingers she stays excited).  Then home to regroup (dishes, laundry, "homeschool" Cailin) or out to run errands (food shopping: Publix, Walmart, CVS, Hitchcocks).  Lunch at 11:30.  Pick up Alayna at 12:30.  Hope Cailin and Ella stay awake.  Ella can sleep from 1:00-3:10 (crossing my fingers she gets into this routine).  Pick up Eric from school bus at 3:15.  Snack. Homework. Play. Clean.  Wait for Daddy for dinner. (This is the most challenging part of the day). Off to Bible Study or AWANA at Mount Olive, teach teens at Flagler Estates, Soccer practice or game....

I am tired just thinking about all of this.  To think there is so much more on top of all of this!! I am looking forward to leaning on my Savior through the craziness of the school season. 



Days have passed since the anniversary of Mandie's death.  I would have loved to blog about her that day, but time wouldn't allow.  Funny, huh, how precious life is, that it could end at any moment.  I certainly know this to be true.  The idea strikes home for me, big time...and still I allow time to take hold of me, instead of I taking hold of it.  

Anyway, not having my sister around these last eleven years has been hard. Way too hard for me to  express with any magical words to make you understand.  The way pain, loss, and grief grip you- no words could do it justice.  I can describe, though, the things that I miss....the things that anger me...and the things that I have learned.

I miss...her smile, her giggle, her eyes- she needed contacts, her nails- she always had painted, her skin- more golden than mine, her hair- thicker than mine, her handwriting- worse than mine.  When I close my eyes and imagine her- it's automatic...chest pain.  

I could be silliest with Mandie. She truly knew me- inside and out.   She cared for me...she cared for many.  She desired to honor the Lord in all that she did.  Even though we fought for the remote control...and clothes...and bathroom time...I knew she was always praying for me.  I truly miss my sister in the Lord.
I wish so badly for my kids to know their Aunt Mandie.  Eric remembered last year on August 4th...we watched home movies so he could see his Aunt and what she was like.  He remembered watching the movies...that means so much to me.  She whined to Mom and Dad...much like Cailin does.  She was feisty- much like Alayna.   We wrestled each other quite often- much like all my kids do. I can only pray that the relationships that my children share with each other, are cherished...much like the memories Chris and I have of Mandie.

There's a bit of me too...that's angered.  Anger with the man who killed her.  Anger about the lack of justice she received.   (He only got a careless driving ticket.)  Anger that she's gone.  Anger that my parents are not the same.  Don't get me wrong...I have forgiven and  I have accepted.  God has blessed me with a unique understanding, over time and with lots of prayer. 

I have learned that God is all knowing and all powerful.  I have learned that God is everywhere and He always is and was and is to come.  I have learned that He allowed Mandie to die.  This angered me the most until I realized how much God really loves me.  God allows so many things to happen.  Tragedies take place to so many everyday.  Tragedies have always been and always will be.  I don't know why.  But, and this is hard, I don't have to know why.  There is a peace in knowing that God is God, and I am not.  There is peace in knowing Him.  Peace is knowing that He loves me so much that He sent His Son to die for my sins.  Peace in believing this and knowing Him personally surpasses any knowledge I could ask for about why my sister was killed. 

The deepest pain is knowing that she is not here to pray with me and encourage me.  The biggest responsibilities come from the promises I made to her while laying her casket in the ground.  The most glorious part of the life today- filled with a loving husband and four amazing children. Thank you Mandie. 



The following night it took another four hours.  Praise God that ended!! Now we have VBS and I am sleeping soundly at night.  So tired I can't wake up in the morning! VBS is keeping us busy.  Getting ready during the day and staying out all night :)  I would really love to post something about my little sis today, but not sure if I'll have time.  Well, there's always tomorrow.  (Do you sense the sarcasm??)



People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one.  ~Leo J. Burke
A ruffled mind makes a restless pillow.  ~Charlotte Brontë 
The worst thing in the world is to try to sleep and not to.  ~F. Scott Fitzgerald

When I lay down at night, I want to melt into my bed and peacefully drift off to sleep. I want to be comforted by the warmth of my pillow and greeted by my sheets and blankets, you know... with a big hug.  I want my day to be over and my tomorrow to wait for me. I want my mind to be blank and my heart to slow down. After my day, I am truly exhausted.  My muscles are tired and I am in need of rest.  

Last night, I laid down. I felt pain in my shoulders and neck. My mind was restless and my heart sent out anxiety throughout my body and straight down to my toes. Tossed and turned until the comfortable position wore out and the cycle started all over again.  Hours and hours passed by.  Once in a while this type of insomnia settles in and my body is a slave to it. It can be cured by a release of emotion (tears) or a pain killer with a label followed by the letters PM.  But I wasn't in a bad mood and I had the meds the previous night.  I am not a fan of being an addict, so I had to fall asleep....all by myself.

Four hours later, it happened.
...He grants sleep to those He loves. Psalm 127:2b.
Do not be anxious about anything. Phil. 4:6a. Anything- even sleep.

It's not the stress of my days. It's not the stress of my tomorrows.  I don't list all the things I have to do. I don't worry all night. In fact I have a positive attitude (well, usually). I keep thinking...I am going to fall asleep soon (and it doesn't happen.) The benefits- I cling to my Savior...for peace and hope.  He has blessed my with a surprisingly OKAY day and still more hope that tonight will be better.

I am reminded to honor God with my body (1 Cor. 6:20) and He will take care of the rest.


Goodbye Izzy ~ Hello Jersey

Today we said good-bye to  Izzy. She was 2 months old in this picture.  

She was so tiny we lost several times under furniture and blankets.
Though still a puppy, we had to find her a new home.
Izzy had more energy than all my kids.
Alayna will miss her, but she is thankful to have lots of pictures.
Alayna will always remember Izzy.
We found Jersey at the animal shelter.  We never expected to find a puppy on our first trip.
She is Boxer-
Pit Bull mix and is 3 months old.
Gentle, sweet, and willing to learn. But, yes...more puppy training.
We hope to make Jersey a big part of our family.


Never a Dull Moment

Eric: Currently obsessed with painting his bedroom. After school ended, Mimi grabbed 3'x2' paper that teachers were throwing away. He soon discovered how much fun it was to fill those pages with Superhero stick figures. The newest idea- taping the paper on the walls of his bedroom. I shut the door and cross my fingers. With his sisters by his side, they paint many abstracts. The entire perimeter of his room is filled. The girls paint rainbows...brown ones. Eric's stick figures are transforming into super sized Hulks, Things, and Spidey.

Alayna: Rediscovering the art of Little People, one of her favorites. She has always loved putting them in the house and creating scenes. I often think she recreates scenes from TV. Her voice is low and as she pretends and whispers, she is very theatrical. Now they have a new spin. The Fisher Price dollhouse figures and Barbies are all thrown together to play. (Until clean up time of course when they all go their separate ways.) Right now they are hanging out with the Superheroes and Monster Trucks.

Cailin: She is a little wanderer. Never really sure if she wants to play with Eric or Alayna. Her favorite has been the Barbies. I find her with a Barbie and Ken. They hug. They dance. Lots of whispers. I do wonder what goes on in her head. She is quite random. Last night, again with a fever (some sort of belly issue: bright green poop today), she had dreams of a little gorilla and a fly. She woke screaming about the animals in her bed. Her wish to have a dream of a thousand babies that look like Ella came true. She went to bed that night asking to smell Daddy's armpits. She even asked if she could make a chocolate banana smoothie for Santa. I really do wonder what goes on in her head!

Ella: Ten days straight on the potty. Successful at least twice a day. And her new thing is to push the container of play animals over to the SpiderMan couch. She climbs up on it, swings her arms and leaps into the air. Yes, into the air. And lands with a belly flop straight out onto the couch. Cheered on by her siblings and laughing so hard she can barely stand up...she does it again and again and again.



Savings for Sanity

So a couple of weeks ago, my sister-in-law briefly mentioned that friend of hers as a hobby of couponing. It inspired me to save some money and ever since I have been clipping away, from the paper and from the Internet. I admit that I think I've gone overboard. Coupons are organized in a binder with labels for every category in baseball sleeves. It includes a section for receipts, for my shopping list, for WIC checks, and for a weekly meal planner. Searching through the web I found store sales with matching coupons. Work? Oh yeah. But I saved money. In the last month I have bought $225 worth of groceries and other items at 4 different stores. I have spent only $99.

Today we ventured out to the Farmers Market, then onto CVS, then onto Publix, then Winn Dixie. Last stop: Sonic. Normally shopping with all four little ones is quite smooth. And when I say smooth, I mean the level of "I wants," complaints, tantrums and so on, is tolerable. The many, "Are they all yours?" are usually accompanied by "They are all behaving so well." Today- not so much.

Please! Please! Donuts! Can I have a toy? (Scream from Ella.) Can we get a movie? Ice Cream!!!!! Mommy, she pinched me! Well he hit me! Move over there's no room! (Scream from Ella). He tugs. She pulls. Can I push the cart? (More screams.) Can I push? Can I push? (Screams from Cailin.) Goldfish dumped everywhere! Looks, looks, and more looks from people. (Screams from Ella and Cailin.) Mommy, I have to go potty! NOW! Stop hitting her. Its not funny! Can we get a movie? We never get a toy!

We get into the car. I SCREAM! We still weren't finished and I couldn't take it anymore. I admit bad thoughts were running through my mind. I also admit not very nice things were rolling off my tongue. With one store left, they older two redeemed themselves. The younger two- not so much.

Riding home, I had a fresh cheesy greasy burger in my hand and three kids in the back with syrup dripping down their faces and all over their car seats from their French Toast sticks and one baby screaming her lungs out. I already have a list of all the things I forgot to buy. And I already have kids telling me they are hungry.

I am thankful for the receipts that I have. Its the proof I that saved bunches of money even if I traded in my sanity for it.


Blog? What Blog?

When should I blog? What should I write about? Kids, chaos, coupons? It seems sometimes that the thought of writing it all down is intimidating, especially when I haven't written in a while. Should I backtrack and write of the busyness that has kept me from blogging? Should I write about one child and one memory? Should I write something inspirational or something silly? To find one's voice as a writer is difficult. I keep journals, mostly devoted to scripture and prayers, but looking back in them I see funny side notes and cute sayings from my kids. I could write about mom tips and day-to-day life with four kids. I could write about missing-the-mark as a mom sometimes. I do believe a good blog should have a distinctive voice with good character. Focus on specific topic would be great too. But life isn't that neat and organized. It's not neat at all. So here's to random entries... Yes, about kids, chaos and coupons. Yes, about busyness. I can backtrack if I want to. I can quote my Savior if I want to. I can express my emotions. And I can tell the ins and outs of my day. To blog can be exercise. Letting something, anything, go, is therapeutic.

On that note, I'll share this. It's quiet here. My three "oldest" children have spent one day at my parents' house. I miss them. Though earlier in the week I was PMSing really bad and they really annoyed me. I have since gotten my period and ache all over, but my emotions are settling and I really miss them. NO OFFENSE to anyone, but I honestly don't know what people do all day. The clock is ticking so slowly here without the kids. Yes, there is no wrestling matches, name calling or whining. But what am I supposed to do? Moments like this help me to realize that it's important to have hobbies and interests as a Momma. I did attempt to organize some recipes (I like to cook and organize.) I did attempt to rest. (I watched recorded episodes of the Next Food Network Star). I cleaned the house. I started to clean Ella's closet to prepare it for 18 month old clothes. I opted not to go into Eric's very messy room. I went to the Dollar General to use bunches of coupons. I even took Ella to the potty. TWICE. (That's a story for another day...went potty everyday for 6 days now....ahhh!)

Thankful for the quiet. Bracing myself for their return. Learning to remember that I need to let myself grow. We focus so much sometimes on helping our kids develop interests that we forget about our own.

Here's to more blogging. Recording life as it is. Messy and random.

I really wish I bought myself some chocolate at the store today. I am now going to dig through cabinets and drawers. I am very hungry.


Crib to bed??

We have a toddler bed that has been hiding in the corner, standing upright behind a room divider, in Ella's room. I got tired of looking at it. I threw Ella's crib mattress onto the bed. And the blankets. And the pillow. And the toys and pacifiers. She looked puzzled. Delighted that she could play on her bed, Ella climbed up and giggled as she got off. Then she got on. Then off. She got used to it this morning.

Eric said goodbye to his crib at 18 months. We vacationed in Florida and he slept on a twin bed on the floor. When we got home we followed through and continued to let him sleep on a twin mattress on the floor.

Alayna made the transition at 13 months. She slept in the bottom bunk. We had just moved to Florida and were living with our Mimi and Poppy.

Cailin went straight to her own bed come to think of it. It's a blur. I'll have to ask Billy. Ha!! Oh how life runs so fast :) Well, for the sake of the story. I'm going to say, 15 months. I do remember she and Alayna sleeping in twin beds side by side, dorm room style.

I thought I would give it a whirl with Ella at 15 months. Naptime arrived. Procedures were carried out like normal. Screams followed at the door. Oh the screams. I'm no dummy! I fixed the crib, gave her time to chill out, and then put her down thirty minutes later in the place she calls home.



Chores are still going well...WELL...

He has had quite a time with the dishes at night. Struggling and saying, "Why do I have to do this?" I told him how yucky it would be to eat his waffle off of those plates in the morning.

When the kids ask to watch TV, I ask them to get me a clip (a reward from completed chores). This morning Cailin put two clips on her chore chart before doing any housework, and asked to watch TV. She knew she needed a she prepared herself. She said, "But Mommy, pleeeease. I have a cl---ipppp." Cailin knew that she didn't earn those clips. Thankfully, she didn't put up a fuss when I told her no and that her chores had to be done first.

I think she enjoys being a helper. She is not too fond of limited TV. She is finding more and more things to do in the mornings now though. She even thinks she can read. The book "Hot Dog," she has memorized.

Overall, I am loving the extra help and less TV. I think only once this week, Mommy and Daddy decided it was easier to let them skip chores:)


All Systems A Go!

Summer is here and I am so thankful for the lack of a school schedule. No rushing to get lunch made. No nagging Eric to get his shoes on. And no waking up my girls to get Eric to school on time. I have been very eager to attempt a new chores system with the kids and with a little extra time now, we have been using it and making great strides.

The breakdown:
Each child will have to do Kitchen chores after each meal. Then Get Ready chores in the morning. Up Keep chores during the day and Clean Up chores at night. 15 total. Each child has their chores written on cards hanging on the freezer. When they complete their job, they flip the card from "To do" to "Done." For each set of chores they receive a half hour of TV time. (3x a day = 1.5 hrs)

Results: Seriously, my house is clean.- for the most part. I don't know how long this will last. I don't know if they will eventually put up a fight. But for right now: My kids wash dishes, clean the table and highchair and the floors after every meal. They put away their laundry. Clean their own bathroom. Take care of the dog. Have clean rooms and a clean playroom. And are ready to go each day with clean teeth and a made bed.

The future: Undoubtedly, I will find myself frustrated. I know it. But that's okay. My kids are doing awesome, learning skills while they are so young. I cling to hope that the routine will be easy and one day soon and I hope to teach them even more skills...After all, it's not my job to do everything for them, but to teach them to do it for themselves.

Side note: Cailin wonders around to avoid making her bed. Alayna does an awesome job with her top bunk and usually is finished everything first. And Eric is getting competitive :)

Eric Turned Six

Eric: my son. He turned six. For six years now, he has been making each and everyday interesting and exciting. He has a passion for many things. Sports, music, superheroes, and drawing. His imagination began very early. When he was two, he would take Billy and I (one at a time) into his tent and his world came alive...with very detailed descriptions of Christmas morning and other exciting events. He is very particular. About everything. Food especially. You can tell by his skinny stature. We are thankful he has grown as much as he has. Now he is choosing to grow his curly hair out all summer. He likes to feel like a rockstar, despite his shyness. He'll pound away on the drums and sing songs for the world to hear. But then in a group, he's either shy and subdued or the energetic boy ready to roll. This past year in kindergarten Eric has made great progress academically. But I think his progress at AWANA is near to my heart. He has always had accurate memory and now he is applying it to God's Word. More importantly, taking the lessons to heart. With a fantastic list of talents, I pray that Eric will use what God has given him to glorify Him.
